Our Favourite Wedding Films - Part 2!
08 February 2019
The snow may have dissapeared this weekend, but its looking set to be a wet and windy one out there which gives us another great excuse to spend the weekend curled up with our loved one on the sofa, binge watching wedding films, whilst scrolling through pintrest for more ideas for your big day!
Last week we introduced you to five of our favourite wedding movies and this week we will be telling you a little about the other five that make our top ten.
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Lets kick things of with this 90's classic which treats us to not one wedding...but four!
The film follows the adventures of a group of friends through the eyes of Charles, a good-natured but socially awkward man living in London, who becomes smitten with Carrie, an American whom Charles keeps meeting at four weddings and a funeral.
This film highlights Hugh Grant at his full floppy haired 90's best and has a fantastic cast making it irresistably charming to everyone who watches it - plus it's a classic and did i mention it has FOUR weddings in!
What top 10 wedding movie list would be complete without this modern day classic?
Tough enough watching your best friend move away and get married while your having a hard time. Extra tough seeing another woman stealing your Maid of Honor thunder in a bid to become your BFF’s new best friend. This movie follows the story of Annie who finds out her best friend, Lillie, is getting married and starting a whole new life. Things reach a breaking point when Annie meets Helen; a beautiful, successful new friend of Lillie's who has also been asked to be a bridesmaid. Annie is convinced that Helen is trying to steal her best friend away and madness insures.
With so many quoteable scenes and unforgettable moments (the wedding dress shop scene, need we say more) this film has become a huge hit and will be sure to leave you crying... with laughter throughout!
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Cultures clash, hilarity ensues, and everyone ends up getting along in the end. The perfect recipe for a classic wedding movie!
Everyone in the Portokalos family worries about Toula. Still unmarried at 30 years old, she works at Dancing Zorba's, the Greek restaurant owned by her parents. After taking a job at her aunt's travel agency, she falls in love with Ian Miller, a teacher who is tall, handsome and definitely not Greek. Toula isn't sure which will be more upsetting to her father, that Ian is a foreigner or that he's a vegetarian.
This oscar nominated movie is the kind of romantic comedy you wish you saw more often: funny without resorting to gross gags, warm without being too sentimental and with characters that are loveable rather than stereotypes.
Father of the Bride
We've all heard of a bridezilla, but what about a fatherzilla of the bride?
George Banks and his wife, Nina, are the proud parents of Annie, but when she returns from studying abroad and announces that she's engaged, their whole world turns upside down, especially that of overprotective George. From meeting the in-laws to wedding plans with an over-the-top consultant and his flamboyant assistant, it seems as if the troubles never end in this update of the classic
Since the story is told from a father's point of view, the movie plays as a sweet glimpse into what a wedding day is like for dear old dad. Complete with flashbacks and touching monologs - we dare you not to tear up while laughing your way through this one..
Wedding Crashers
A laugh out loud comedy with a heart of gold.
This movie follows the story of an inseparable pair by the names of John and Jeffery. This dynamic duo crash weddings in their spare time in the hopes of picking up lonesome ladies for one night stands. Things get a little tricky for the pair when John falls for a bridesmaid who is already spoken for and agrees to spend time with her family dragging Jeffery along with him.
This film delivers gut busting laughs and an all-star cast. If you’re looking for a wedding movie that even the man in your life will love, this is it!